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Your DWI Arrest: Cooperation and Silence

First and foremost, if you are arrested, or have been arrested, for a New Hampshire DWI, then you must contact a skilled and experienced DWI attorney who specializes in defending these types of cases. Your New Hampshire DWI lawyer will review the procedures police officers followed in detaining you, administering tests, and arresting you to gauge if your legal rights were violated. If so, then any evidence gathered against you may be inadmissible in a court of law.

Although the process of being arrested is frightening and disoriented, there are a few critical reminders that you must bear in mind:

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The New Hampshire Holiday DWI Season Has Begun

Next week is Thanksgiving, and this is the week that formally kicks off the holiday season, which lasts through the New Year. The holiday season is generally full of travel and holiday parties as thousands of New Hampshire residents celebrate festivities with family members and friends. This time period is also classified as “DUI Season” in New Hampshire, with DUI arrests reaching a high point for the calendar year. 

In the law enforcement community, Thanksgiving Eve is often referred to as “Black Wednesday”. It is considered the unofficial busiest bar night of the calendar year. Coincidentally, it is also the single busiest night for police officers when it comes to making DWI arrests. Furthermore, nationwide, Thanksgiving weekend is the busiest weekend of the year for roadways in terms of traffic volume. More than 90% of Americans who travel this weekend will be doing so by car. The sheer volume of traffic, combined with the number of individuals who drink, can produce deadly results.

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Survey Says New Hampshire Teenagers Are Risking DWI Arrests

Parents in the state of New Hampshire understand that a specific amount of rebellious behavior is to be expected from their adolescent children; however, when rebellious actions result in increasingly risky behavior, these same parents may find that they now require the services of an experienced New Hampshire lawyer to assist their child, as well as themselves, in navigating through the NH criminal justice system.

According to a recently released survey of New Hampshire’s young motorists, a number of parents and teenagers can expect to find themselves dealing with charges of texting while driving and driving while intoxicated as they wade into the system.

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Methuen Fire Lieutenant Pleads Guilty to DWI, Possession of Pot

DWI charges are serious criminal offenses. Certain professionals can lose their job if they are found guilty or plea guilty. Don't plead guilty without speaking with a DWI lawyer. Some lawyers just plead pretty much every case. Other lawyers are willing to fight the charge and go to trial to get a not guilty verdict. The right lawyer can help you remain not guilty.

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Actress’s “Graciousness” Could Harm Her Defense

When famous actress Reese Witherspoon and her husband, Jim Toth, were arrested in April 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia, it made national headlines. Witherspoon has spoken out frankly and honestly about the events of that night on various national media outlets; however, as any experienced New Hampshire DWI lawyer knows, her statements could cause serious harm to her criminal proceedings if she decided to challenge those charges in a court of law.

At the time of the arrest, Witherspoon was in Atlanta shooting scenes for the movie “The Good Lie”. Jim Toth was operating the vehicle the couple was riding in, and he was initially pulled over by law enforcement for driving in the wrong lane. He was subsequently arrested on charges of driving while intoxicated, and Witherspoon was arrested for disorderly conduct after becoming involved in a verbal altercation with the arresting officer.

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