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Survey says teenagers are risking DWI arrests

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Survey Says New Hampshire Teenagers Are Risking DWI Arrests

Parents in the state of New Hampshire understand that a specific amount of rebellious behavior is to be expected from their adolescent children; however, when rebellious actions result in increasingly risky behavior, these same parents may find that they now require the services of an experienced New Hampshire lawyer to assist their child, as well as themselves, in navigating through the NH criminal justice system.

According to a recently released survey of New Hampshire’s young motorists, a number of parents and teenagers can expect to find themselves dealing with charges of texting while driving and driving while intoxicated as they wade into the system.

The New Hampshire Department of Education has released the results of their 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Survey. This survey questioned high school teens on a number of topics, including drug and alcohol use, diet and exercise, and sexual activity. New ground was broken by the survey this year because, for the first time, it also included questions about texting while driving – a topic that has been covered extensively by the media in recent months.

Nearly half of the adolescent participants in the survey (47.7%) admitted to texting while operating a motor vehicle. Among seniors in high school, this number reached 68.6%. Equally concerning is the fact that a significant number of respondents stated that they had gotten behind the wheel of a car after consuming alcohol. The exact percentage was 8.4. Once again, among high school seniors, this number was higher at 11.8%. Moreover, 1 out of 10 of each students surveyed stated that they “rarely” or “never” buckled their seatbelts while they were in a moving car.

New Hampshire school officials who have been interviewed about the survey’s results stated that they were “blown away” by its results and that the results were “certainly alarming”. Of the most concern to educators were the survey’s findings regarding drinking and driving. In these situations, not only do teen motorists place themselves and their passengers at a significant risk of having an accident by choosing to drink and drive, they also run the risk of being arrested and facing harsh legal penalties as a result of their actions.

In reality, most adolescent drivers have not yet developed the perspective or experience required to wholly appreciate the negative ramifications that a New Hampshire DWI conviction can create regarding future academic pursuits and employment opportunities. In more severe cases, a conviction can even affect where a teen is able to secure housing and a stable living situation.

In the unfortunate event that your teen has been arrested for a DWI, please contact one of our experienced and skilled NH DWI lawyers immediately. Time is of the essence. Our New Hampshire DWI lawyers will take the time required to conduct a comprehensive analysis of your case, answer any questions you may have, and provide an honest assessment of your case’s potential outcome. A youthful mistake does not have to ruin your child’s future, and we will work diligently to minimize the impact of their actions’ consequences.  

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Guest Friday, 18 October 2024