Daniel Hynes

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"Beer Before Liquor, Never Been Sicker'

We left it to MythBusters rather than doing our own hands-on research and they reported that, "If you knock back the same alcohol content by chugging brewskies as you would switching between beer and liquor, you'll be at risk for the same aftereffects: dehydration, memory loss, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound - in other words, a hangover."

Vomiting Helps to Sober You Up

 "Health Guidance reported that vomiting does expel the alcohol that is in your stomach and will stop it from further entering your blood stream, but the part of the vomiting myth that isn't true is that it will sober you up. The alcohol that is already in your blood stream needs to metabolize, which means that you might not continue to get drunker but you will in fact remain drunk until your body has completely processed all the alcohol in your bloodstream. "

 Drinking Lighter-Colored Alcoholic Drinks Will Prevent a Hangover

 "Drinking lighter-colored drinks like vodka and gin won't necessarily prevent a hangover the next morning, but it may help. The Mayo Clinic reported that congeners, products of alcohol fermentation and one cause of a hangover, are more prevalent in dark liquors such as brandy, whiskey, darker beer, and red wine than they are in clear liquors such as vodka, gin, and lighter beers.

Alcohol Kills Brain Cells

 "The New York Times reported that former researcher at the State University of New York at Buffalo Dr. Roberta J. Pentney found that "alcohol disrupts brain function in adults by damaging message-carrying dendrites on neurons in the cerebellum, a structure involved in learning and motor coordination. This reduces communication between neurons, alters their structure, and causes some of the impairment associated with intoxication. It does not kill off entire cells, however."

 Dark Beer is Higher in Alcohol Content

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"Erin received a call from a friend at a party who was too drunk to drive. Erin drove to a neighboring town after work to pick up her friend. Moments after she arrived, the cops arrived too and busted several kids for underage possession of alcohol. A high school honor student, Erin was cleared by police, who agreed she had not been drinking and was not in possession of alcohol. But her high school told Erin she was in violation of the district’s zero tolerance policy against alcohol and drug use."


“But I wasn’t drinking,” she told the Herald. “And I felt like going to get her was the right thing to do.”

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Challenging the Validity of the Walk and Turn Test

An increasing number of DWI lawyers across the country are beginning to question the validity of field sobriety tests. It is difficult to determine whether or not these tests are designed to genuinely gauge a motorist’s level of impairment or whether he or she cannot multitask or are poorly coordinated. The walk and turn test is an excellent example of a questionable field sobriety test.

Taken directly from their website, this is how the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration defines and describes the walk and turn test:

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Challenging the Validity of the One Leg Stand Test

When it comes to field sobriety tests, the one leg stand test is a staple element. Here is how this test is defined by the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration:

“The Walk-and-Turn test and One-Leg Stand test are “divided attention” tests that are easily performed by most unimpaired people. They require a suspect to listen to and follow instructions while performing simple physical movements. Impaired persons have difficulty with tasks requiring their attention to be divided between simple mental and physical exercises.”

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Can Examining BAC Test Codes Overturn New Hampshire DWI Convictions?

The New Hampshire legal system is created to protect the legal rights of individuals who have been accused of a crime, regardless of what the charges might be. One of the most valuable rights is the opportunity to inspect the evidence against a defendant and to create a defense that is centered on challenging that evidence. In cases involving DWI charges, this generally involves a DWI lawyer and their client challenging the results of field sobriety tests, breathalyzer tests, and blood tests. Often times, these test results will comprise the core evidence in fighting against a New Hampshire DWI charge.

If the accuracy of these tests is uncertain then the court is generally required to render a not guilty verdict, because reasonable doubts exist.

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