Daniel Hynes

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New Hampshire DWI Information: Your Legal Rights

Even if you are arrested for a DWI in the state of New Hampshire, New Hampshire’s state constitution, the Constitution of the United States, and New Hampshire case, administrative, and statutory laws ensure you are entitled to a variety of legal rights. The legal rights listed below are critical to you and your DWI defense:

§  Most importantly, you are entitled to the right to counsel (if you cannot afford one you can apply for a public defender for any Class A misdemeanors or felonies), which is the legal right to be represented by a DWI lawyer.

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A Guide For Out of State Residents Who Receive a New Hampshire DWI

If you were arrested for and charged with a DWI in the state of New Hampshire, then the process of administrative license suspension must be addressed in front of New Hampshire’s own Department of Safety, in addition to the DWI criminal charge, which will be heard in front of a New Hampshire court. Moreover, be aware that there is a strong possibility that your driving privileges will be suspended, as well as other sanctions and penalties, within your home state. New Hampshire is an active participant in the Interstate Motor Vehicle Compact, and DWI convictions are reported to sister states.

This compact, or agreement, requires a motorist’s home state to act as though a New Hampshire DWI conviction occurred on the state’s own soil. Typically, the loss of driving privileges in New Hampshire would also be applied to the motorist’s home state.

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A Breakdown of How Demerit Points Will Affect Your New Hampshire Driver’s License

A motorist who is cited for any traffic offense in the state of New Hampshire will almost certainly face the possibility of having demerit points added to their driver’s license. In New Hampshire, the demerit point system assigns differing numbers of points for various types of traffic related offenses. If you receive 12 points added to your license, then this can result in a 3 month suspension of your license and driving privileges. Minor traffic offenses, like improper passing of another vehicle, will usually generate less than 6 points, which is not enough to warrant a suspension; however, major traffic offenses, like a DWI conviction, will constitute an automatic suspension.

Any New Hampshire motorist who is the recipient of demerit points on their driver’s license is allowed to contest the citation in order to have these points removed. In New Hampshire, such hearings are classified as administrative hearings by the NH Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). If you were arrested for a DWI and were issued a total of 6 demerit points, then you could have your license suspended for three months. However, if you take quick, decisive action, then you can engage the services of an experienced NH DWI lawyer from our law firm to defend your legal rights at your upcoming administrative hearing. Your attorney’s goal at this hearing will be to question the evidence against you in order to have the administrative penalties significantly reduced, if not dismissed altogether.

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Attorney Dan Hynes 1-855-NHDWIGUY

You may have heard one of our radio ads and are looking for help with a DWI charge in New Hampshire. Take a look at our website and give us a call 24/7 at: 1-855-NHDWIGUY to set-up a consultation. Our team of DWI lawyers have offices in Manchester, Portsmouth, Concord, and Hudson.

Attorney Dan Hynes the New Hampshire DWI GUY is the author of nationally known books on DWI defense. Dan Hynes probably has more DWI training than the police officer who arrested you. Besides being certified to administer field sobriety tests, his training includes being a field sobriety test instructor. He is the only lawyer in the entire State of New Hampshire who only represents clients charged with DWI. Don't settle for a part time DWI lawyer. DUI Defense is all Attorney Hynes does.

Attorney Hynes has helped hundreds of people charged with DWI in New Hampshire and can help you as well. See some of our past victories and testimonials to hear about our success. From first offense, to felony DWI, odds are pretty good he has helped someone with a case similar to yours.

With so much at stake you need someone who understands all of the defenses you have to maximize your chance of getting the DWI dismissed, reduced, or having the penalties and consequences minimized. The N.H. DWI Guy's training, experience, and knowledge will help you get the best results possible. Attorney Hynes gets more DWI charges dismissed in a year than most lawyers do in their entire career. Get the help you deserve. Call us to discuss your best defenses.

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"Sentenced in an Ohio court today Matthew cordial admitted to killing 61 year old Vincent and sunny in a fatal accident in June. He then confessed on line in a video. That went viral that video posted at September."


If you have committed a crime, the first thing you should do is contact a criminal defense lawyer, not post it to social media sites like youtube and facebook.

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