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Acrtresses graciousness could harm defense

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Actress’s “Graciousness” Could Harm Her Defense

When famous actress Reese Witherspoon and her husband, Jim Toth, were arrested in April 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia, it made national headlines. Witherspoon has spoken out frankly and honestly about the events of that night on various national media outlets; however, as any experienced New Hampshire DWI lawyer knows, her statements could cause serious harm to her criminal proceedings if she decided to challenge those charges in a court of law.

At the time of the arrest, Witherspoon was in Atlanta shooting scenes for the movie “The Good Lie”. Jim Toth was operating the vehicle the couple was riding in, and he was initially pulled over by law enforcement for driving in the wrong lane. He was subsequently arrested on charges of driving while intoxicated, and Witherspoon was arrested for disorderly conduct after becoming involved in a verbal altercation with the arresting officer.

According to the official police report, Witherspoon was instructed to “sit on her butt and be quiet”. Witherspoon has since appeared on the television program Good Morning America and has described her behavior as “unacceptable” and issues a sincere apology. She stated that she took full responsibility for her actions and intended to do what she could to make right her wrong. Other celebrities have praised her candor, and Michael Buble praised her as being “gracious”. Although her actions might have been gracious, her words are considered an admission of fault and could negatively impact her lawyer’s defense strategy in the courtroom.

Toth’s DWI charge could render severe consequences, and most NH DWI attorneys would agree that nationally televised accounts of the events are not in her husband’s best interests. Although Witherspoon did not specifically state that her husband was too intoxicated to drive, her words can, and will, be used against him in a court of law. She has stated that the pair had had too much to drink that night.

Sadly, in the world of celebrities, even negative press appears to help careers, but there are several lessons New Hampshire motorists can learn. First and foremost, when being arrested for a DWI charge, one should never be disrespectful to the arresting officer. Secondly, it remains in a defendant’s best interests to remain silent regarding their case from the moment of arrest, even when speaking to friends and family members. Drunk driving charges are taken seriously in the state of New Hampshire, and New Hampshire prosecutors will not hesitate to use secondary admissions of guilt against a defendant.

If you have been arrested and charged with a DWI offense in New Hampshire, then you require the services of an experienced and skilled NH DWI attorney. Call our law offices today to set up a free consultation about your case. With your driving privileges and personal freedom at stake, you cannot afford to take a misstep. Our DWI lawyers will conduct a thorough assessment of your case and recommend the best course of action. In some instances, it may be possible to have your charges dropped altogether.

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