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NH DWI information - Your legal rights

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New Hampshire DWI Information: Your Legal Rights

Even if you are arrested for a DWI in the state of New Hampshire, New Hampshire’s state constitution, the Constitution of the United States, and New Hampshire case, administrative, and statutory laws ensure you are entitled to a variety of legal rights. The legal rights listed below are critical to you and your DWI defense:

§  Most importantly, you are entitled to the right to counsel (if you cannot afford one you can apply for a public defender for any Class A misdemeanors or felonies), which is the legal right to be represented by a DWI lawyer.

§  You maintain the right to a public and speedy trial.

§  As a defendant, you have the right to confront and cross-examine any witnesses against you, including law enforcement officials.

§  If you choose to do so, you have the legal right to testify on your behalf and present other evidence in your defense.

§  If you refuse to take the witness stand, it cannot be used as evidence of your guilt, and you cannot be forced to present evidence against yourself in a court of law.

§  Additional legal rights afford you protection against unreasonable search and seizure of your physical person, your papers and possessions, and your motor vehicle.

§  If the evidence obtained against you was done so in a manner that violated your Constitutional rights, then it cannot be used against you in a court of law.

If you are not a professionally trained lawyer, then it will be nigh unto impossible for you to assert these critical rights for yourself. If they are not asserted quickly enough, then you can forfeit some of your legal rights. The law defines deadlines that must be met. The quickest of these deadlines occurs a mere 30 days after the date of your official arrest. Critical legal advantages can be lost if you do not contact a New Hampshire DWI lawyer within 7-10 days of your arrest. It is imperative that you contact a DWI attorney immediately.

Moreover, numerous motorists each year benefit from either a negotiated plea bargain, which reduces the severity of the charges brought against them, or by receiving a considerably less severe punishment than what they would receive if they had retained legal representation. The severe ramifications that a DWI conviction can have on your life ensure that it would be prudent for you to at least speak with an experienced DWI lawyer before making your next move.

At our firm, your initial consultation and general evaluation is 100% free, and it has always been our policy to honestly evaluate and assess your particular case and then leave the decision whether or not to engage our services solely up to you. Do not delay. Any delay will only harm your chances of successfully defending your position in a court of law. Our New Hampshire DWI lawyers possess the knowledge, skills, and experience required to successfully obtain a satisfactory verdict in your case.

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Guest Friday, 18 October 2024