Phase I
This version of the manual elaborates on all the cues the officer is to look for, and gives probabilities. It is in alignment with the 2006 version. Phase II
No noticeable important changes between 2002, 2004, or 2006. Phase III
This version has a new definition of nystagmus. “Nystagmus is defined as an involuntary jerking of the eyes. Alcohol and certain other drugs cause Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus.[1]” This is also the language used in the present 2006 edition. HGN Test
No noticeable changes between 2002, 2004, or 2006. One Leg Stand
No important noticeable changes between 2002, 2004, or 2006, except that if the subject cannot do the test, the officer no longer scores it as all 8 clues, but instead to mark the clues observed. However, in the 2004 version, the officer should remain motionless, but this language is omitted from the present 2006 version. Walk and Turn
No important noticeable changes between 2002, 2004, or 2006 except that if the subject cannot do the test, the officer no longer to score it as all 8 clues, but just to mark the clues observed..
[1]Id at VIII-3