Daniel Hynes

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I was at the DMV today for a few administrative license suspension hearings. In between hearings I was speaking with another local dwi lawyer who I respect and would have no problem referring a case to. Also, present was a prosecutor for some State Police cases. He is also a prosecutor I highly respect, as I trust him and he really knows New Hampshire DWI laws and puts together his case very well. (While this does make my job harder, and I certainly lose some cases when he is the prosecutor, I do enjoy knowing that all the work and preparation in defending a dwi case is required as the prosecutor will also be very well prepared). In discussing some past cases, the topic came up about lawyers willing to go to trial, as opposed to pleaing every case. The prosecutor mentioned that myself and the other lawyer present were on his list of lawyers who will take cases to trial.

Having a reputation for going to trial can certainly help out clients. If the prosecutor knows or believes the defense lawyer hates having trials, there is little incentive to make favorable plea offers.

Additionally, actually having trial experience is important if your case does go to trial. Do you want a lawyer who it will be his first actual trial, or one who repeatedly is willing to fight for his clients and make sure the State can prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt?

Finally, even in some cases where you might be found guilty, if the sentence was the same or less after being found guilty, it certainly is worth it to go to trial. A lawyer who handles many similar cases should have a pretty good idea of what you should expect at the time of sentencing, if you are ultimately found guilty.

Tagged in: dmv dwi
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For different reasons, a bill doing away with sobriety checkpoints in New Hampshire has the backing of both constitutionally minded lawmakers and a D.C. trade group representing alcohol-serving restaurants.

House Bill 1452 would eliminate the sobriety checkpoints organized by local police departments to catch drunken drivers."

"My concern is we're giving up our right to travel freely," said Republican Rep. George Lambert of Litchfield, a co-sponsor of the bill. "It allows (the police) to do all kinds of investigations for which they did not have original probable cause."

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Top 10 Holidays that people are charged with DWI

1. Fourth of July Weekend
2. Halloween
3. Labor Day Weekend
4. Thanksgiving Weekend
5. Christmas Week
6. Memorial Day Weekend
7. New Year’s Day
8. Super Bowl Sunday
9. New Year’s Eve
10. St. Patrick’s Day

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), an average of 36 fatalities per day occur because of drunk driving. During the holiday season, that number jumps to 45 per day. Stay safe this season. If you are drinking alcohol don't drive. It just isn't worth the risk. If you have been charged with DWI, hire an experienced dwi lawyer to protect your rights. I understand people make mistakes. Don't make another mistake, call the DWI GUY for a free consultation to discuss your options.

Tagged in: dui dwi holiday new years
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