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New Hampshire has the most responsible drinkers

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The Most Responsible Drinkers Can Be Found In the State of New Hampshire

More than a few eyebrows will be raised in surprise when people learn that individuals who consume alcoholic beverages in New Hampshire engage in more responsible behaviors than alcoholic drinkers in other states.

Research scientists from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration collected data from multiple sources, including the Federal Highway Administration and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, to gauge which states possess the highest rates of alcohol consumption, as well as the highest rates of automobile accidents. It would be reasonable to assume that the states possessing the highest rates of alcohol consumption would also feature the most deadly, alcohol linked fatalities, but this does not appear to be true.

The Matrix of Responsibility

What these researchers uncovered upon analyzing their data was that Mississippi state residents consumed the most alcohol (in gallons) per capita each year (2.24 gallons). This state also had the highest number of traffic related fatalities (at 137) per each million of licensed motorists. West Virginia, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Arkansas were also listed in the top 5 for the country’s least responsible motorists and drinkers behind Mississippi.

In the Responsibility Matrix, the most responsible states were listed in the following order:

1.      New Hampshire

2.      Massachusetts

3.      New Jersey

4.      Alaska

5.      Minnesota

Residents of New Hampshire consumed an average 4.38 gallons of alcohol per capita each year, but only incurred an average of 35 traffic fatalities each year per million licensed motorists. Alaska maintained the second highest rating for heaviest alcohol consumption among its citizens (3.02 gallons/capita/year), but there was only an average of 43 fatal accidents per each million licensed drivers.

Examining Drunk Driving Statistics in the State of New Hampshire

The Century Council recently released research from 2011 that highlighted the fact that 27 individuals in the state of New Hampshire died from alcohol related vehicular accidents. This number is a 49.6% decrease from the year 2001. Their research also shows that approximately 86% of these accidents were caused by motorists who had a BAC level of .15% or higher, and 100% of these motorists who had a BAC of .15% or higher were repeat offenders. In 2011, precisely 3,616 motorists were arrested for a New Hampshire DWI.

New Hampshire vs. National Statistics

The data compiled by The Century Council showed that New Hampshire fared slightly worse than the national average for repeat DWI offenders (e.g. persons who drove with a BAC level higher than .15% and failed to change their behaviors despite undergoing treatment, education, or arrest). On a national average, approximately 70% of motorists involved in a fatal vehicular accident had a blood alcohol content of .15% or higher in 2011. Their data also revealed that an individual with a BAC level of .15% or higher is 380 times more likely to be involved in a fatal accident than sober motorists.

Part of the reason New Hampshire has gained its reputation for responsible alcohol consumption and driving habits is the state’s tough laws on DWIs. A conviction for even a first offense can create adverse ramifications that reverberate for years. If you have been charged with a New Hampshire DWI, please contact one of our experienced NH DWI attorneys immediately.



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Guest Friday, 18 October 2024