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Nearly nude driver accused of DWI

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Reportedly, a nearly nude driver received a DWI charge Friday in New Jersey. The allegedly drunk woman, who only donned an unzipped jacket at the time of the traffic stop, is also suspected in a hit and run accident that same day. Obviously, a nearly nude driver, DWI charges or not, headlines the news.

According to a Jan. 21 report from Daily Record on this strange news story, Catherine Giaquinto, 36, a resident from Warwick, faces a litany of charges stemming from the driving while intoxicated arrest."


After pulling the vehicle safely over, the officer noticed Giaqauinto was wearing very little clothing. Additionally, a dress and other articles of clothing lay on a seat nearby.

The nearly nude woman received a DWI charge after failing a field sobriety test and refusing a breath test.

Police instructed the woman to get fully dressed. However, the reports shows that she struggled with her balance, slurred her speech and put her dress on backwards."

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Guest Friday, 18 October 2024