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Medical school and DUIS

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I’m In Medical School and Was Arrested For a DWI. What Happens Now?

A doctor or nurse is placed in a position of perceived responsibility, so if you have not yet received your medical or nursing license, then you are quite right to be concerned about how being arrested for a DWI will affect your future. In the state of New Hampshire, a first time DWI offense will not affect your ability to obtain your nursing or medical license; however, this does not mean that you should not fight your case in court.

Even though a single conviction will not destroy your chosen career, there is every possibility that any subsequent DWI offense will. There is another element you should consider. Most medical students graduate from school with a considerable amount of debt. Adding the monetary penalties and fines of a DWI to that debt total can be financially devastating.

Regardless of the specific circumstances surrounding your case, at a minimum, you should consult with an experienced NH DWI lawyer to have your case evaluated. Should you decide to take your case to court, their expertise will be invaluable.

Possible DWI Defense Strategies

1.       Biased Field Sobriety Test Results – If the bulk of the case against you is built upon a failed field sobriety test, a DWI attorney can review the conditions under which the test was administered and have the test results rendered invalid. The actual conditions of the testing area and any contributing medical conditions are two prime examples of how field sobriety test results may be challenged.

2.       Miranda Rights – After you were arrested and charged, were your Miranda rights read to you? If you were interrogated by law enforcement officials at any point and were not properly informed of your rights, your NH DWI attorney can challenged any information that was gathered during the interrogation.

3.       Timing of Chemical Alcohol Tests – There is a significant difference between the time you were initially stopped and the time any chemical alcohol tests were administered. If a significant amount of time passed between the time you were stopped and the time the test was given, the test results could be invalidated as inaccurate due to rising levels of alcohol in your system.

4.       Inaccurate Testing Methods – The police officers who administer any type of chemical test or field sobriety test must be properly trained and certified to do so. In specific instances wherein a police officer has not been properly trained and certified, it is wholly possible that your DWI lawyer can discover fault with the chemical tests.

5.       Probable Cause – Did the police officer who arrested you possess probable cause to stop your vehicle, arrest you, and then charge you with driving while intoxicated? For example, if you were exiting a bar late at night and a police officer randomly stopped your vehicle without observing a traffic violation, this would not count as probable cause. Merely observing you leaving a bar is not probable cause.

We understand that mistakes happen. You have worked hard to get into medical school, and one mistake should not jeopardize your entire future. Contact one of our experienced New Hampshire DWI lawyers today to ensure that you and your future are protected.

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