Daniel Hynes

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Man blows 0.00 on breath test and is arrested for DWI

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"Texas resident Larry Davis ran either a red light or stop sign (reports vary) in his Buick in the city of Austin. Despite his insistence that he had had only one drink, he was put in handcuffs and arrested for driving while intoxicated. Then, when he was given a Breathalyzer test by the AustinPolice Department, he blew a 0.00"

"Mr. Davis agreed to give a blood sample as well, to prove he was not under the influence of any drugs or alcohol. The results would later come back 100% negative."

"The Austin Police Department stands by the arrest, saying they believed Davis showed signs of impairment, that while standing on one leg, he “swayed,” and “needed his arms for balance.”"

Based upon police standards, he would have failed the one leg stand test. It is fortunate that he gave a breath test and a blood test to prove his innocence. In New Hampshire, if you refuse either test it will be used against you in Court as a sign of guilt. A combination of refusal and failing a field sobriety test can be enough for a judge to find you guilty of DWI. It is unfortunate that innocent people are arrested and convicted of DWI. Hire the right DWI lawyer to get the best chance of being found not guilty.

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Guest Friday, 18 October 2024