Daniel Hynes

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LSD can cure Alcoholism?

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"a new study reports that LSD could help alcoholics kick their addiction. Based on a new analysis of six randomized controlled trials from the 1960s and 70s, and published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, researchers from Norwegian University of Science and Technology and Harvard Univeristy found that a single dose of the hallucinogen “had a significant beneficial effect on alcohol misuse” for up to 12 months.

Dropping acid on a one-time basis also “compares favorably” with the effectiveness of such daily treatments for alcoholism as the FDA-approved addiction-fighting drugs naltrexone and acamporosate, the researchers report. Overall, 59 percent of the 536 study participants treated with a single dose of the psychedelic drug showed improvement in their alcohol habits, compared to 38 percent of those who didn’t take LSD."

"The researchers point out that, “LSD is well-known for inducing spectacular and profound effects on the mind,” and “can help prevent a relapse of alcohol abuse…by eliciting insights into behavioral problems and generating motivation to build a meaningful and sober lifestyle.”

The theory is that dropping acid is like speeding up psychotherapy, so alcohol abusers achieve similar results to years of psychotherapy in a single LSD trip, helping them break past habits and obstacles that have kept them from kicking their addiction."

I am guessing it is going to be quite awhile before any impaired driver intervention programs (IDIP) recommend LSD.  Maybe next time I go to a red-flag hearing I will ask them if they considered LSD as a method to reduce the chances someone gets another DWI.

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Guest Friday, 18 October 2024