Daniel Hynes

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Don't fail to appear to court for your DWI charge

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If you have been arrested for DWI you likely posted bail to be released pending trial. Bail is a way to ensure that you show up to court dates. In New Hampshire, for most first offense dwi charges you will be released on your own personal recognizance (PR) bail. Some judges set cash bail for Aggravated DWI or second offense DWI.  After paying the bail commission $40 to set bail you will be released from jail on your promise to appear to court. Other bail conditions typically include remaining on good behavior, not driving until a certain date, and sometimes not to consume alcohol or possess a gun.

If you fail to show up to court when scheduled, you will likely forfeit your bail, have a bench warrant issued, and have to post cash bail. If there is some sort of emergency, do your best to contact the court and notify them you will be late or unable to make it. If you have had prior continuances, it is much more likely the judge will deny the continuance, especially if the case was scheduled for trial.

Once you hire a New Hampshire DWI attorney to represent you, stay in contact with that attorney. While some courts schedule things quickly, other courts do not schedule trials for many months. If you do not know when your trial date is, give your lawyer a call to find out.

Additionally, if you hire a lawyer and happen to default, that lawyer will be in a much better position to argue to the judge why a bench warrant for your arrest should not be issued.

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Guest Friday, 18 October 2024