Daniel Hynes

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How Can A Previous DWI Arrest Affect My New DWI Charge?

To calculate how any prior DWI arrests and convictions you might have can affect your current DWI arrest, it is imperative to understand how the “look back” period works. The look back period is so named because it refers to the period of time that a prior DWI offense stays on a motorist’s driving record and criminal history. If a motorist commits an additional DWI offense while the look back period is still in effect, then their prior conviction can be utilized by a prosecutor to enhance the criminal penalties meted out if the defendant is convicted. For example, in New Hampshire, a motorist who commits a second DWI offense while their look back period is in effect will be required to have an ignition interlock device installed in their vehicle for a minimum of one year in order to have their driver’s license reinstated.

 Look back laws vary from one state to the next. The shortest look back periods are only five years. The longest look back periods last a lifetime (such as in MA). The average look back period is 10 years. In the state of New Hampshire, the look back period is 10 years.

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In NH you will get the interlock device for aggravated DWI, subsequent offense, or if the DMV decides to order you to have one if convicted of DWI.

Federal Initiative For Ignition Interlock Devices Launches

The National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration is the driving force behind a new federal initiative to require ignition interlock devices for all DWI offenders – including first time offenders.

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Learn What to Expect From Your New Hampshire DWI Lawyer

If you are facing serious criminal charges that could result in jail time, it is imperative for you to have the best New Hampshire criminal defense attorney fighting on your behalf.

If you are facing the possibility of spending time in prison or other considerable criminal penalties, you need qualified and experienced legal representation. The New Hampshire legal system is designed in such a manner that, unless you possess legal experience and a high IQ, then representing yourself in criminal matters is nigh unto impossible. No two criminal cases are exactly alike. A criminal defense attorney is specifically trained to identify and analyze the specific facts of a case that make it unique. Moreover, an experienced defense lawyer can isolate certain factors and arguments that could negate or even mitigate any potential crime. At the end of the day, hiring a defense attorney to represent you in a criminal trial is a necessity.

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I don't often post non DWI related posts, but after watching part of the video of a judge abusing his child, I decided to post this. Be warned if you watch the video it is graphic.


A Texas judge who severely beat his disabled daughter with a belt lost being re-elected. Not sure why the judge wasn't prosecuted for felony abuse or removed from office by the judicial committee, but at least the voters threw him out. People can't have faith in the justice system when a judge like that remains on the bench. I hope he didn't deal with any criminal cases or family law/ child custody cases. He clearly was an unfit parent and a child abuser based upon the video alone. Who knows what else he did.

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"New Jersey prosecutors abruptly dropped charges against a 30-year-old man facing years in prison after a previously undisclosed dash cam video surfaced depicting the responding police officers breaking several laws."

The Prosecutors previously offered him a plea deal of 5 years in jail.

"But they dropped the charges when they saw a second video from another police vehicle that struck Jeter's car. The camera on that vehicle shows the officers break the window of Jeter's car, punch him in the head, and drag him out — all while he had his hands in the air."

This type of thing probably happens all the time. It is incredibly difficult to show trusted police are lying.If this video didn't exist, an innocent person would have likely have been sent to jail for a long period of time.

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