Daniel Hynes

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While nothing has been shown scientifically to "cure" a hangover, Dr. Richard Besser, ABC News' chief medical editor, offered these tips to help nurse the pain:

Drink plenty of water. Alcohol is quite dehydrating.

• If you have a headache, take aspirin or ibuprofen the next morning, not acetaminophen (Tylenol). Acetaminophen is processed by your liver that has just taken a hit from your overdrinking.

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Stay safe this holiday season. While it is not against the law to drink alcohol and then drive AS LONG AS YOU ARE BELOW LEGAL LIMIT OR YOUR ABILITY TO DRIVE IS NOT IMPAIRED,  if you are going to drink any alcohol your best option is to not drive a vehicle. While the average male may eliminate alcohol at 1 drink per hour, everyone is different. It is not worth the risk to yourself or others to drink and drive. If you have to think about whether you are safe, that should give you enough hesitation to not drive.

If you do get arrested for DWI, give us a call to discuss your possible defenses.

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I recently reported that different branches of the military are getting tougher on consuming alcohol. Now, the marines are set to implement a policy of random alcohol tests.


" Marines and sailors will be subject to random blood-alcohol tests twice a year in what is billed as the toughest anti-drinking policy in the U.S. military.

Starting Jan. 1, any Marine or sailor with a blood-alcohol level of 0.01 percent or higher may be referred for counseling. Anyone who tests at 0.04 percent or higher will be referred to medical personnel to determine fitness for duty."

Remember, while .08 is the per se DWI limit if you are over 21, you still can be convicted of DWI if you are under that limit and alcohol impairs your ability to drive to any degree in New Hampshire.

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Officials within the U.S. military are actively targeting over-boozing troops at home and abroad, but addiction specialists and service members say binge drinking remains as rampant as ever inside the armed services.

Among the new initiatives to stem the problem: The Marines, starting next year, will give random breathalyzer tests to Corps members; the Air Force and Army curbed some overnight liquor sales for U.S. military personnel in Germany; and American service members in Japan were barred from leaving their residences after consuming more than one adult beverage."


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While most lawyers will probably be able to help you better than if you were to represent yourself, all lawyers are not the same. If a lawyer handles many dwi cases, that lawyer can probably best help you. I have more dwi trials in a year than most New Hampshire lawyers do in their career. In a recent example, I was able to get a much better plea offer than the client got from his first lawyer.

Client was charged with second offense dwi and gave a breath test of .16. Because his first dwi was within two years, if he was found guilty, it would be a minimum 30 days in jail, plus the 7 day alcohol program. His first offer got him a plea offer to those "minimums". Client was not able to do 30 days in jail as it would cost him his job. He hired me for a better outcome.

At the pretrial the prosecutor first made the same offer. After figuring out the main goals of what the prosecutor wanted, I was able to propose a plea to dismiss the second offense for a plea to aggravated DWI. It had the minimum 3 days in jail imposed, with some suspended time hanging over his head. Additionally, we were able to get the client sentenced in accordance with the upcoming 2013 laws so that he did not have to to the 7 day inpatient program (he will instead do the IDCMP).

I have had many cases with this prosecutor, and he knows I am willing to go to trial. He also congratulated me on a not guilty verdict I got in a DWI case the week prior.

Different lawyers will not always be able to get different plea offers. However, if pleas fall through and the case is going to go to trial, your best defense is likely with a lawyer who handles, and wins, numerous DWI cases. I have helped hundreds of clients who have been charged with DWI and I am willing to fight to protect their rights and obtain the best result possible.

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